Friendswood: 1800 W Nasa Blvd. 281-332-4496
League City: 2705 Dickinson Ave. 281-967-7261

AcroSports Kids Center

Acro Babies

Ages 4-5 months to walking (Parent & Tot)

Duration: 30 mins

Our youngest gymnasts will explore the gymnastics facility at a pace designed just for little ones. We try out new skills, begin to learn how to use different equipment, and get used to the idea of a semi-structured class. Our babies work on things like balance, core strength, movement of different body parts in coordination, and much more. Our goal for our AcroBabies is to help each child to progress from where they are at their own readiness. Some babies crawl/walk earlier, some are later- and that’s okay! More than anything, we want our babies to have fun in their first gymnastics class!


Friendswood Year Round Session

League City Year Round Session